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USB DC 5V to DC 12V Step up Module Converter 2.1×5.5mm Male Connector Plus MF
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Feature: Mini in size. Plug and play, convenient to use. Easy to use.Durable in use. Can be used to power the router via power bank if power down. You can still enjoy the WIFI during power cuts. It can also be applied to other device, such as small fan, desk lamp, solar panel, USB power pack, power adapter etc. USB to DC power cable with 8 interchangeable plugs connectors, which makes it fits most of home appliances. You do not have to worry about finding the suitable adapters when using various devices. 6.4 x 40mm 6.3 x 3.0mm 5.5 x 2.5mm 5.5 x 2.1mm 5.5 x 1.7 mm 4.7 x 1.7mm 4.0 x 1.7mm 3.5 x 1.35mm. Specification: Input Voltage: 5V Output Voltage: 12V Output power: about 6W-7W (output current: 7W/voltage=current) Interface Properties: USB convert to DC round hole Connector :5.5mm x 2.1mm Line Length: approx. 1m/3.3ft Package included: 1 x USB Step-up Converter 8 x DC connectors Use: This product has a wide range of uses. As long as the voltage is consistent, it is suitable for products with a power of about 6W-7W, such as routers, optical cats, electric mosquito repellent incense, fluorescent panels, cameras, vehicle driving recorders, electronic dogs, medical equipment, breast pumps, luminous LED and other series of products
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